
Week1-Independent study

(a) "Customizing The Editor"
1. I can customize my own toolbar. Click on "Tools" - "Custom Keyboard".

2. In "Preferences" - "General' under 'tools" click on "Highlight selected Geometry". I could get yellow outlines and a pinkish shade on the object that I select.

3. 'Tools" - "configure user command" that I can have a panel on the side with my most used commands.

4. I can drag each window panel on top of the other. This makes several tabs in a single window.

5. I could turn off the toolbar if I don't use those tools usually. 

(b) "Viewports"
1. "W" is for move Forward. "S" is for move Back. "A" is for move Left. "D" is for move Right.

2. Press "shift" is for moving slightly faster 

3. Speed range is from 0.1 to 10, I could choose any of them to make the speed from slow to fast. 

(c) "User Interface Panels – Overview"  
1. Select objects panel "Ctrl+D" is an overview of the objects in the scene.

2. "Asset Browser" allows you to browse for textures and sounds.

3. "DB" - "Database View" is allow users could use for their environment.

4. "View" - 'Time of Day' allows users could change the time of day in the environment, and also they could specify the time that they want.

5. "FG" (Flow-graphs) is the tool that users could script their level and make things move.

Week 1 Lecture Reflection
In this week's lecture, I could know the general idea about the real-time environment, and also get to know the software CryEngine 3 by watching the Eat3D videos. In these videos, I know how to start and create an level, and got an initial impression about this powerful environment engine. I will continue to know and use this software and I think it could be a very useful technology for my future career. 

